Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"What is that in your hand?" - Echeazu Chika

Exodus 4:2
"And the Lord said to him, What is that in your
hand? And he said, A rod."

When Moses encountered God in the desert, The
Lord asked him a simple question, "what is that in
your hand?" As many people familiar with this
story will tell you, over the years the "rod of
Moses" became known as the "rod of God," yet it
was the same rod. That rod, was used in all the
miracles of Moses.
Again, when Jesus wanted to feed a multitude, He
asked for what was available. A little boy offered
his lunch, and The Lord used it to feed thousands
of people. I want to extract a simple but powerful
principle from these two stories; which is that, it
is not true that you have "nothing" in your hand to
use to make an impact in your life or the lives of
those around you. For you to be reading this post,
you have a cell phone or computer in your hand,
even if you are in an Internet cafe. When God
wants to solve a big problem He likes to use what
is in your hand, even if it seems like it is nothing
or inconsequential
So if God visited you today and said, "what is that
in your hand," would you answer, "Facebook" or
even the "Internet". Would you say, "Lord, I have a
computer in my hand, I know how to use it." There
is nothing you cannot do, with just the Internet or
Facebook. The question is, "what are you going to
do with it?" Success and prosperity are nothing
more than a way of thinking. We need to think
differently about these things. We need to think
about what we can do with the Internet or even
Facebook. When the Chinese saw applications like
Twitter, or Facebook, they rushed to create their
own site.

Let us move one more step forward, because I am
not going to let you go.
Every time you use that phone, or that computer,
or go to Facebook, or Twitter, or whatever, start
thinking in terms of, "what business idea can I
develop with this?, what need is there out there,
that I can reach, using this?" And that brothers,and
sisters, is how innovation sparks. It is how Twitter
and Facebook came about. Young people just like
many of you.
Say to yourself, every time, "I don't want to be
just a user of this, I want to use it to generate
projects, and ideas, and help others." Don't think
in terms of obstacles, that you might encounter,
because that will paralyze, your creativity or your
faith. Some of the things you will come up with
initially will look silly, and usually you will find that
someone else has already done, it but you keep
trying... and gradually it becomes your mindset:
you are then always saying, what can I do with
this thing... This thing is money, right in hands!

 Imagine if Moses had complained about the
heat in the desert, or complained about not having
enough money, or about the economic situation. If
he had done that, I know for sure God would not
have used him. There is room for an African
Alibaba; there is room for an African Facebook;
there is room for an African Twitter. Africa has
1bn people, which will double in your life time.
God: "What is that in your hand?"
Man: "It is the Internet Lord"
God: "What is that in your hand?"
Man: "It is Facebook Lord"
God: "What is that in your hand?"
Man: "My cell phone Lord"
God: "What is that in your hand?"
Man: "It is my bicycle Lord"
God is the same God, yesterday, today, and
forever. The God of Moses is very much alive, and
He wants to use you to change your world. As far
as He is concerned, what you have is enough!
"What is that in your hand?" I have meditated so
much on this simple question ever since I read it
in the bible. If you have faith, there is nothing too
little or too small. Faith is the response of the
human spirit to the Word of God; so when the
Word of God, says to you, "what is that in your
hand?" What will your answer be?


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