Thursday, May 8, 2014


I am Martin Beck Nworah and I am the current chairman of the Haters Association of Nigeria(both home and abroad) with a special message for you.
Many people have been pointing accusing fingers at us for being the reason for their failures in life because we were busy doing our job...hating.
The truth of the matter was that you paid much attention to those who wanted to run you down more than you paid to your future. You see,when you're busy looking for the old man or woman who wants you to die,when you're looking for that person who wants to kill you;you automatically see them as your rivals and detractors.
Pay no attention to them.
We hate you because that's our source of income;hating on people.
 Don't mind us.
We don't care whether you succeed or not. Whether you succeed or fail to succeed,we will still talk about you and hate on you;why then should you care? Pay attention to your career and life. Make the best out of it and enjoy your life.
As a president,I must always remind you that you can never do anything to please everybody in this world;especially my association. The reason is simply because we are doing our job of hating. We just can't love or like you.
Human beings must learn how to focus on what really matters in their life. They must begin now to think thoughts that will help them to grow and become better individuals. It makes no sense to keep a thousand and one friends;yet you're achieving or becoming nothing. They(humans),must start to focus on the important aspect of their life which has nothing to do with hating. The truth is that people are busy with their own life and trying hard to eke out a living. They rarely notice your existence unless you want to be noticed.
They rarely notice your existence unless you want to be noticed.
They rarely notice your existence unless you want to be noticed.
They rarely notice your existence unless you want to be noticed. I believe the repetition will drive home the point.
Till we get to the Promised Land,I shall be waiting for when you will pass me a glass of water and thank God for the gift of grace for the race.

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